Success Stories
I hope it doesn't hurt your feelings, but we christened the dog formally known as "Rosey O'Rattey" with a new name today: so introducing "Lark Lafaye"
in her debut therapy dog session this morning. She went right up to a really hurting teenager and crawled up on her lap.
Here she is on my patient's lap, looking up at the girl with the light shining down on her during this therapy session. I was very
moved to witness the circle of kindness that started with your kind act of saving her life and brought her to helping this girl today.
So Lark is sleeping all night under my down blanket like she's always been there. She uses the dog door- not an accident yet- and LOVES her
dog and cat friends. I took her and my big dog Chucky for a run together this morning. She's learning the leash and was ahead of
us all the whole way. In town today, I couldn't go into a store without a person stopping and asking to meet her. She loved her
new chew "bully stick" and is rotating around her nylabone toys like a mouth circuit trainer. The little
sore on her leg stump opened a little during her flight but it's scabbed over again and looks healthy. I plan to take her to meet
the vet just to say hi and check it out this week.
Lark is sleeping on my leather office chair beside me as I write this. I couldn't be happier with my choice of this extraordinary little soul who wins over every heart she meets.
I promise we'll keep in touch.
raven and lark

Hi, Just wanted to send you a little note and pic of Phoenix with his new family. He came home to us on May 6, 2007 and has been the most amazing little guy anyone could ever have the pleasure of adopting!!!!
Thanks so much Ratbone Rescues for letting Phoenix become a part of our family.
Thanks, Tracy, Scott, Josh, and Emma White in Ontario, Canada

Taffy is our 8 year old female Rat Terrier that we adopted from Ratbone Rescues. While she turned out to be a bit different than what we originally thought, we still wanted her. Her story is sad: she was a breeder dog for a puppy mill. While I don’t know for sure, I feel based on research and my other experiences with puppy mills, that Taffy spent very little time on the ground. More than likely she lived in a wire cage with a small wooden box attached to the side. The box is just big enough to get in and whelp the pups. There is no blanket, soft towel or even straw or hay to soften the wooden floors.
At age 8 Taffy has more than likely been pregnant over 7 of her 8 years. And when the day came that she could no longer produce a litter or a healthy litter, the “owner” of the puppy mill gathered her and 3 other dogs (also deemed too old) and took her to a kill shelter. For the "owner", she was just a means to an end, which is money. Puppy Mills don't care about the care, quality or health of their animals, they only want the big bucks and when an animal can't produce the big buck makers, they become "worthless" in their eyes.
Thank goodness Ratbone Rescues was there. Taffy was pulled and finally came to live with us. Now she gets high quality food and treats, has a warm soft bed (well actually 3 doggie bed/crates), any chair or couch or lap, not to mention my bed at night, snuggling close to me and Aka. Never fear, she has figured out that the laps are the absolute best!
The other morning she and Aka saw a couple of squirrels in our yard and Ms. Taffy did her level best to catch one of the rascals. She nearly caught one by the tail but a last minute zig to her zag allowed the evil one to get through the fence. Taffy, after her potty and the short burst of play that she does with Aka in the morning, went over to an area of the yard where she can see just about every inch of the fenced in area and began to guard! She was on her belly but was ready to charge if the need arose. Every so often, she would stand up and circle the inner perimeter of the fence sniffing and lifting her head and her mouth was open in what can only be described as a grin! Her little stubby tail was wagging so fast, I thought she might achieve liftoff!!
I was struck by the thought that as a puppy mill breeder dog, Taffy has had very few chances to run with grass under her feet, her tummy full and the scent of squirrel wafting on the wind. My eyes welled up with tears to see her so content and looking as if she had always spent her days in freedom. At that moment, all I could think of was the folks at Ratbone Rescues who work so hard to try and save as many Rat Terriers as they humanly can. My thoughts turned to all the animal rescuers out there, the volunteers who foster, those who pull from shelters, those who provide transport, those who give money and those who donate items and time.
Tonight, as Aka and Taffy "fight" for who will sleep where on the bed, I will be remembering this morning: Taffy trotting around, free, loved and at home.
Cheryl Wordweaver

For Success Stories from Wally Wagtail, Carly and Tybalt/Chewy please click here
For Success Stories from Susie, Frisco, Benny, Velvet Brown and Tucker Brown please click here
For Success Stories from Hoss/Thor, P-Joe, Zelda, Bojangles and Austin/Jerry Lee please click here
For Success Stories from Spanky/Sparky, Nut/Gigi and Evie please click here