Ratbone's Sanctuary Ratties
sanc*tu*ar*y [sangk-choo-er-ee]; a place of refuge; asylum.
Ratbone Rescues does not leave old, sick or injured dogs behind in favor of young and healthy dogs. Sometimes we come home with dogs who may never be adopted, and they live with their foster families for the rest of their lives. Please enjoy their stories!


I am 8 to 10 years old, tall and long legged. I weigh about 15 pounds. I like to take walks. I am (of course) housebroken, and I keep my crate spotless! I like girl dogs but not boy dogs. I don't like small children very much, because I lived in a home with two little ones, and they liked to bother me. I think I'd be a good match for adults who like to take walks, so I can explore. It took me awhile to get used to my fostermom, but now I really like her and give her nice kisses when she asks.


Coco was born around July 2003, and is now almost 15 years old and weighs 8 pounds. Coco is a one person dog, and will love this one person with all her heart, but she has no room for other people. Coco enjoys hanging out with the other dogs in her foster home, playing with toys, and chasing birds in the yard. She also likes to cuddle under the blankets with her fostermom at night, and "dances" for treats. She prefers to stay at home and run around the yard, or sit in her fostermom's lap. She can now do that in total confidence that her world will not change again in her lifetime.
Monthly Medication Bill: $20

Minnie Pearl

Minnie Pearl was rescued from a hoarder/breeder. For this reason she never got over her shyness, and is still learning manners and how to trust people; she's always been better with women than men. Minnie was pregnant when she came to Ratbone, and has since delivered and raised 3 beautiful babies (all adopted long ago). She is just over 7 years old, weighs around 13 pounds, and is a blue tri-color (she has "blue dog" alopecia). Minnie is affectionate and friendly with her fostermom, but no one else. She has never offered to bite in her foster home - even though she was extremely frightened when she first arrived. Minnie gets along wonderfully with the other dogs, and ignores the cats, but she is still terrified of humans.


Julie (sometimes known as Juliette) is an older Rat Terrier with a loving personality. She's a total lap dog, and loves to just lay with her head in her fostermom's lap to watch TV! Julie was an owner surrender to the Miami Dade shelter. Julie usually gets along with other dogs, but is very selective about which ones she likes. She also is a very finicky eater and has to coaxed with lots of tasty treats. Julie walks well on a leash and rides well in a car. She is house-trained. Julie is a small girl - only 12 pounds. She has insurmountable health issues now that she is older.

Piper Blu

Piper Blu is about 16 years old now, and came from the Indianapolis area, where she was abandoned in a vet's parking lot. Her spots are a very unusual merle/sable color, on a white body. The hair on her head is very thin, but she doesn't seem to notice. Piper knows "sit", "stay" and "come"... but she can be a little selective about obeying the commands. She is a very active girl. Piper weighs about 25 pounds, and is quite a tall Rattie. She likes men, women and kids - but would probably chase a cat if she saw it.


Maybelle was originally rescued from an animal control facility in central Oklahoma. She had been wandering at large, and was hit by a car. Although nothing was broken or seriously injured, Maybelle was obviously either abused or so completely unsocialized that she was unable to function in a normal home setting. Maybelle is almost normal with her foster family, but we do not feel that moving her to an adoptive home would be good for her, so she will remain with her foster family for the rest of her life. She seems to be satisfied with her lot in life, and at times she even plays with the other dogs or by herself.

Poco Bill

Poco Bill is a wild bandito, with relatives from South of the Border. He is a lot of little Terrier in a 7 pound package, with a little Chihuahua thrown in for spice. And he does have spice! Bill can be a sassy little fellow, and he doesn't care how big the other dog is - he thinks he is bigger. Bill LOVES to play, and stuffed (or unstuffed) toys are fascinating to him. He will bite, chew, chase and shake the stuffing-free squirrel, and he is not opposed to beating up a fully stuffed Santa. Bill also enjoys chasing the other dogs (mostly giving them attitude), but deprived of dog company he will play happily by himself or chew on a rawhide. Poco Bill has been very good about keeping his crate clean, and he is good about using the dog door - even though he was scared of it at first. He has had an issue with lifting his leg inappropriately; having come to rescue as an intact dog who is probably 4-5 years old (he's about 9 years old now), he had time to learn some bad habits. But Bill is working on improving these, though his fostermom has to be FAST, because he is. He is truly a character, and if you've had a little experience with dogs this one could be a great companion. Since he's a little fiesty, he is not recommended for small children. Bill is not really aggressive to cats, but could drive them crazy trying to boss them around.

Nacho Bud

Little Nacho is 12 pounds and now about 13 years old. He spent his first year or so being used for breeding and receiving questionable treatment. Nacho is timid when he meets someone, and he is definitely hand-shy. He will yelp if startled and if approached too quickly he will run away. He will come looking for attention if a person is still, and will come when called if not being chased. Nacho likes to get up and sit on a lap to be petted; although he is a bit tense when he first gets there, he will relax after he's petted for a few minutes. Nacho is good with other dogs, but doesn't like to play too rough. He can get into a bit of dominant posturing with other males, but likes female dogs or easy-going male dogs just fine. Nacho is not interested in cats.


Mable came to Ratbone Rescues after her owner passed away. She is very well mannered and leash trained; when walking, if the leash touches her backside she will stop and sit, and move only when told to do so. Mable likes to sleep curled up in her own bed (she doesn't like crates), but will jump in bed with her fostermom during thunderstorms. She loves to have her belly rubbed, go for long walks in the park, and lay around on the couch. Mable's not a barker, unless someone is at the door or in her yard. If a dog could be described as a perfect little lady – that would be Mable! Children love her, as do the adults who meet her. She does not play with toys or other dogs, and seems to be a loner - although the younger foster dog in the home follows her around (which Mable doesn't seem to mind). Mable was 16 years old (in 2018), and she wears her age very well. As you can see, she has a beautiful face and eyes, and her gentle personality makes her a favorite with visitors. Mable does have a thyroid issue, which she takes medicine for twice daily. Mable is a sweet, lovable dog, spending her golden years with her loving foster family.
Monthly Medication Bill: $15


Brina is an 11 year old diva. She was adopted from Ratbone Rescues 10 years ago, and was recently returned. Her adopter was experiencing major health issues and could no longer take care of her. It was not easy for her adopter to return her, but she had to do what was best for herself, and for Brina. Our Brina is the type of girl who likes to go for short walks (not long ones!), but she likes to go out when she very well feels like it! She is good on a leash, but will let you know when she wants to go back inside. Brina loves her crate, but likes to "try out" other crates and beds, too! She is social with dogs when she gets to know them, but was used to being an "only child". Brina doesn't like cats - but the worst she will do is bark at them if they come too close. Ms Brina is no longer looking for a new retirement home; she has found that her current foster home suits her very well, so she plans to stay put.
Please consider donating something to help with the on-going care of our Sanctuary Ratties.