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July 2012 | |||||||||||||||
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![]() Summer in the country
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Dogs are Consistent! (Part 2) Consistency from Rover's point of view has to do with rules. If we don't let Rover on the couch, we need to be consistent and correct him every time he tries to get on the couch. Even if we've had a horrible day and are tired and just don't want to deal with it, if he's headed for the couch he needs to be corrected. Your dog will test you everyday, to see what your response will be. If you're consistent, he'll be happy and relaxed because he knows he has a strong consistent leader. If you let him get away with something because you're tired, he'll test even more. Why? He'll test more because you're not giving him signals that you're still a viable leader. If you leave the position open he'll apply for the job. He has no choice. It doesn't matter if he's the most confident dog or the shyest. If you are not showing him leadership, he WILL take on the role in order to ensure the pack's survival. That's when problems occur. The really neat thing about consistency, from our point of view, is that it is one of the things that make dogs so trainable. If we direct Rover to perform a behavior and we are consistent for a while, about 5 weeks, his brain becomes hard wired and he'll perform perfectly over and over and over. We don't have to drill it in his head by spending hours and hours a day training him. We just need to have his attention and get him to focus for about 10 - 15 minutes a day. Here's the bad news, we're people, not dogs. We, by nature, are not consistent, we really have to work at it. We can rewire our brains, but it takes practice, practice, practice. Is it worth it? Definitely! Rover has an endless supply of unconditional love, joy and companionship to share with us. If we're consistent our relationship will one of happy dogs and happy families. If we're not it's frequently filled with frustration and stress. The choice is ours as Rover will continue to be consistent no matter what. Submitted by Terry Nickerson, Canine Behavior Therapist and owner of Bark Busters of Brevard. You can reach Terry at 1-977-500-BARK or visit her company's website at www.Barkbusters.com.
Ratbone Leaks
The lamp is nearly done and we will soon be announcing the details on how you can be in on the drawing for this beautiful lamp. We wanted to share a couple of recent pictures with you so you can see how the lamp is coming along and see how lovely the design and the colored glass is. The first picture is of a panel that was ready to be foiled. All the pieces are cut and fit together in a frame to be sure the fit is good.
Be sure to check our next newsletter for details on the lamp give-away.
Susie is not one of those pretty little dogs that everyone falls in love with. In fact, she is so ugly that I have given up on taking cute pictures of her. I think she is adorable, but in that way that only a "mother" can love. She has a body like a brick with a little undersized head, a pointy little nose and jackstraw teeth (what few teeth she still has) sorta sticking out of her mouth. She has spindly little legs and if you look at her from the back, she looks like an armadillo. She is the color of old black mold with splotches. If she isn't wearing a tee shirt, you can't see her standing in a shadow. Naturally, I adore her! Another of Susie's little quirks is that she eats dog beds! Thanks to our Secret Santa, we got a few doggy beds for Christmas. The dogs were thrilled to have beds again since Susie had eaten her way through many of the old ones. Susie has now evolved her bed eating routine, she spends her day running around the house collecting ALL the dog beds in the house. She starts in the bedroom and pulls a dog bed across the carpet and into the living room where she stacks that bed on top of one in the living room. Then she goes off for another bed. Eventually, Susie has collected all of the beds in the house and sorta gotten all of them in a pile in the living room. This process takes her all day. Once she is happy with the pile, Susie climbs up on top and starts chewing on the top bed. She fiercely defends her pile by snarling her little garbled, raspy snarl at any dog that looks longingly at it's bed. By then its dinner time and the bad, nasty foster mom feeds the dogs and puts all of Susie's dog beds back where they belong. This little drama takes place every day at our house. Until recently, we also had a stunningly beautiful, 35 pound Decker Giant Rat Terrier, Duke. Susie decided Duke was her buddy, which seemed to puzzle Duke but he was very tolerant about it. He could have crushed her if he wanted but he was always careful not to hurt the little bug. It really was a case of Beauty and the Beast only the Beast was little tiny Susie. Duke decided the only way to keep his bed was to stay on top of it while Susie tried to tug it down the hall. Duke would lay on top of his bed and while Susie snarled and tugged and huffed and puffed and then tried to chase Duke off so she could have the bed. But Duke would hang in there, looking at her with a puzzled frown on his face, like he just didn't get it at all. Duke never hurt Susie, he was endlessly patient with her obsessive behavior and eventually Susie would give up and go for another bed. Eventually Duke would have to leave his bed to go outside, then Susie would run in the bedroom to grab Duke's bed and fulfill her stacking dreams. Who needs TV? Just watching the daily bed stacking drama is enough for me. |
Beau Chien means "beautiful dog" which describes Beau. He was just a leggy pup when he came to Ratbone Rescues from a shelter but he had an elegant look about him that inspired his name. Beau was a sweet pup, very gentle and easily bullied by tiny Bill but a willing follower in Bill's mischief. When Beau experienced his first winter, he made it clear that he had no use for cold weather or snow. He also thought rain was something to be avoided at all costs. This made it difficult when it was "outside" time. Beau would go out but as soon as he sensed inclimate weather, he would retreat back inside. When forced to go out to potty, he would run and stand in the dog house, watching the door, waiting for a sign that he could come back in. He did figure out pretty quickly that if he ran and pottied quickly, he could come back inside so after the initial attempts to avoid the weather, he would do what he was out there for.
Beau's mom had this to say: "Beau has adjusted and is at peace with all the members of the household even the cats. He seems VERY happy with his new home and has taken to joining everyone else in my bed at night. He has a great time at the dog park and found a few buddies to run with. He is fast...very fast. I'm thinking it might be time to take them to the beach next time it gets into the 70's. I want to thank everyone for helping me adopt Beau. I love him to pieces! He's a shy one but is slowly letting me in. He started jumping into my lap and licking my face...I love that. He's come a long way and it will only get better with time. Beau hates the cold, even here so he wears a jacket for the chilly nights."
Yeah for Beau! A great ending to his story, another Happy Tail! |
![]() Ratbone Rescues is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. |
Ratbone Rescues, Inc. P.O. Box 3237 Seminole, FL 33775-3237 US |